Resolution to bring into focus, to solve, to settle, to break apart, to make a commitment, to determine, to end
A very positive beginning to our five week arts camp at St. Mel's. We had 32 students enrolled, and should have another four join us tomorrow. Very positive, engaged, enthusiastic kids.
It was the decision of the artistic coaches of the site to spend the first day more or less in one large group, to get to know each other, to learn how they interact, and basically to break down walls of social resistance.
Bobby (music) and Tim (drama) played acoustic guitar and bass as the campers entered the gymnasium that acts as our main classroom. The students made name tags and Jodi (visual arts) Sheff (Dance) and I (writing) circulated and got everyone oriented.
Our site coordinator, Mr. G. laid down the ground rules for everyone and then we began, stating clearly what the theme for our site will be (see above) and creating a list of things we want so SEE, HEAR and FEEL during the next five weeks.
Bobby led introductions, Tim ran a round of SCATTERGORIES, Jodi in GIANTS, WIZARD AND ELVES and I the dreaded HUMAN KNOT.
We passed out journals; the first prompt wasWhen I am in a group of strangers I almost always feel ...
Following lunch Sheff led an hour plus long movement session which resulted in a good two-thirds of the campers executing a dance routine to Madonna's Music. A number of the boys fell out from the session, preferring to draw with markers.
The day ended with a revisit to our list of things we wish to SEE, HEAR and FEEL - which are posted prominently on the wall. In the morning it took us a while to make a basic list, in the afternoon they had a large number of things they wanted to add to the list, it was very exciting.
I have no idea where this blog will take us - some instructors will be able to contribute to it, others do not have liberal access to the internet. Once we begin to break down into smaller groups, I will only be able to reflect on a more narrow aspect of it - namely, the writing component. I hope to get the list of SEE, HEAR and FEEL up on this blog tomorrow.