We began work on a community Mantra we can (hopefully) use to rouse enthusiasm and a sense of togetherness. We brainstormed it first thing, and refined it in the afternoon. One of our members created a haiku that was tried out before dismissal.
Morning exercises included KITTY WANTS A CORNER, SOCIAL ATOMS, TELEPHONE and ASSASSINATION. Each exercise led to the next as a way of illustrating the effects that we have on each other socially - and how that interaction can lead to conflict and the need to find creative solutions to deal with social obstacles. Following most exercises we had enthusiastic group discussions.
For the rest of the day we split into three groups, chosen arbitrarily, and every had the opportunity to try WRITING, MUSIC and VISUAL ART. Some kids were restless in certain classes, but all of our campers were excited and engaged in at least one of our disciplines. We're getting to know them. We like them a lot.
The quote I walked out of there with yesterday came from a surprising source, a student who didn't respond swiftly to my writing prompt (What would you do if someone cut in line ahead of you at the movies?) but once we discussed it a little, a little one-on-one negotiation, I eventually had to stop him from writing due to time.
As he left class he said to me, "I think I like this writing stuff."